73 year old male came from nereducherla to opthalmology OPD with CHIEF COMPLAINTS of diminished vision in left eye since 2 years HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 years ago then he developed diminision of vision in left eye which was insidious in onset gradually progressive . No history of watering , redness, pain. PAST HISTORY NO HISTORY OF SIMILAR COMPLAINTS IN THE PAST HISTORY OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS 30 YEARS AGO - he presented with fever - low grade not associated with chills and rigors , evening rise of temperature is present relieved on taking medication. He had cough with sputum (hemoptysis ) 30 years ago and shortness of breath grade 3-4 and was admitted in hospital and was started on ATT.he was in the hospital for 1 month later he got discharged and continued att for 1 more month. Stopped taking att after 2 months as he felt that it is making him qeak and his illness has already subsided. Not a known case of diabetes, HTN , broncial asthm