
Showing posts from April, 2023


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50/M CAME WITH  CHIEF COMPLAINTS: c/o cough since 20 days c/0 SOB since  20 days c/o fever since  7 days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Pt was apparently asymptomatic 20 days back then  1.he developed cough with sputum, mucopurulent, non blood stained ,non foul Smelling, more cough during night,  no seasonal  variation,  not associated with chills. no aggrevating & relieving factors  2.c/o SOB since 20 dats  Grade II (MMRC),  not associated wheeze,  no aggravating no seasonal variation,  more during Early mornings. no aggravating & relieving factors, no orthopnea, no PND.  3.c/o fever since  7 days  intermittent type, Low grade fever  relieved of medication. & rigors,  no Evening rise of temperature   4.clo wt loss and loss of appetite from 4 months no c/i Chest Pain Chest fightness, hemoptysis, palpitations  5.h/0 Similar complaints 4 months back. h/o of TB 4 months back (detected in sputum CBNAAT) H/O TB AAT (3 tabs/day) for 2 months, then stopped PAST HISTORY  not a known ca


  A 70 Years Old Man Who was a Farmer By Occupation Presented to Casualty With  Altered Sensorium Since 3 Days  Fever Since 20 Days  HOPI :  Patient Was Apparently Asymptomatic Till 2014 ; 2014 - Patient Had Fever Associated with Cough for which he went to Hospital & Was Diagnosed to Have ? Pneumonia with DENOVO DM2 & Was Prescribed with OHAs ( Tab.METFORMIN & Tab.GLIMIPRIDE ) 6 Months Back - Patient Had Fever Associated with Cough for Which he Went to Hospital & Said to Have High Sugars along with Lung Infection ; Got Treated & Discharged in a Hemodynamically Stable Manner.Started using insulin for Diabetes Since Then  20 Days Back : Patient Had Fever with Cough ; For Which He went to Hospital & Suspected to Have TB But Reports Turned out to be Negative & Patient Discharged as LAMA & When He Returned Home 3 Days Back He Gradually Developed Altered Sensorium & Couldn't Recognise His Attendants Past History : K/C/O DM2 Since 9 Years and on Regular

78/M PTB

 78/M  PATIENT CAME TO THE PULMONOLOGY OPD,WITH THE CHIEF COMPLAINTS OF :  C/O Breathlessness since 7days C/O  Cough since 7days C/O Throat pain since 3 months Patient was apparently alright 3months back the he developed throat pain since 3 months, insidious in onset, gradually progressed. Dysphagia positive to both solids and liquids. C/O Breathlessness since 7 days, insidious in onset, gradually progressive (MMRC GRADE- 2), aggrevated on exposure to cold, seasonal variation present, associated with wheeze, no PND no orthopnea C/O cough since 7 days which is dry, no seasonal and diurnal variation, continuous, no aggrevating and relieving factors  C/O fever occasionally not associated with chills and rigor, but evening raise of temperature positive. C/O loss of appetite and loss of weight present  No C/O chest pain, chest tightness,hemoptysis PAST ILLNESS: H/O PTB 4 years back confirmed by sputum cbnaat and took ATT for 3 months and discontinued and 2 years back for 6 months H/O simila