64/M ? Tb meningitis Aki

 64/M came to casuality with 


Patient came to casuality with chief complaints of 
- unable to talk since 1 day 
- hiccups since 7 days
 bowel and bladder incontinence, loss of appetite  since 3 days 
- loose stools 5 days back relieved on medication 
- fever 4 days back 

History of present illness :- 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 7 days back , he then developed hiccups , loss of speech

-  5 days back he developed diarrhoea  5 episodes/ day , for one day which was relieved on medication 

-loss of appetite since 3 days , since one day he is unable to talk
- No H/O SOB , cough , palpitations
- No H/O loss of consciousness , giddiness , involuntary passage of urine and stools .

Past history :- 
h/o panic attack one month back secondary to family issues 

- K/C/O DM2 since 2 yrs , on medication , 
-tab Metformin OD , tab Glimiperide OD

- Not a K/C/O HTN, TB, Asthma, epilepsy, CAD, CVD

Personal History :- 

Appetite - lost

Diet - Mixed 

Sleep - adequate

Bowel and bladder movements - incontinence 

Addictions: Occasional alcoholic ( during functions ) , tobacco chewing occasionally 

Allergies : No allergies  

Family history :- not significant 


Patient is conscious ,incoherent , uncooperative
 Moderately Built and Moderately Nourished .

Pallor : present 
Icterus : absent 
Cyanosis: absent 
Clubbing : absent 
Lymphadenopathy : absent 
Edema : absent

His vitals :- 

Temp: Afebrile 
BP : 100 / 50 mmHg 
PR : 120 bpm 
RR : 16 cpm 
SPO2 : 98 % at RA
GRBS : 193 mg/dl 


CNS examination :-
State of consciousness : conscious 
Speech : incoherent 
Kernigs sign :- positive

Sensory system :- 

Pain - Normal 
Touch- fine touch - normal
      crude touch - normal
Temp - normal
Vibration - normal
Joint position - normal

Cranial nerves : intact

CNS :-
                    Right.                   Left
Tone :-   UL    hyper                 hyper 
               LL.   Hyper                hyper 

Power :- UL and LL     moving all four limbs in response to pain     

Reflexes :-
Biceps           + +
Tricep s     + +
Supinator     + +
Knee      + +
Ankle. ++
Flexor. Plantar. Plantar 

Finger nose in coordination - no 
Heel knee in coordination - no

CVS : S1 S2 + ,no murmurs ,no thrills 

Respiratory System : decreased air entry on left side . Diffuse crepts on left side. Position of trachea - central.

Per abdominal examination:- 

Soft , non tender , no signs of hi organomegaly 


Chest x ray pa view ;- 

USG abdomen:- 

MRI brain :- 


serum creatinine 

serum electrolytes :- 

provisional diagnosis:- 

CVA , hyponatremia 

1) IVF 0.9 %NS IV @ 50 ml / hr 
2) Inj , 1 amp Optineuron in 500 ml NS IV /OD 
3) tab Ecosprin AV 75/10 RT / OD / HS
4) GRBS monitoring 6 th hrly 
5) Inj Thiamine 200 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 

  29/12/2022 :-

Bed 4 
Day 2 

S : 
No fresh complaints 

O : 
Patient is conscious , non coherent, non cooperative
BP :110/60 mm hg 
PR :- 110 bpm
RR :  16 cpm 
Temp : 98 F 
Spo2 : 98 % at RA 
CVS : S1 , S2 heard, no murmurs  
RS : BAE + , decreased air entry on left side , no wheeze , no crepts

CNS :- 
Reflexes :-   right.                Left 
Biceps        -                          -
Triceps      -                            -
Supinator   -                            -
Knee          -.                           -
Ankle         -                            -

GCS : E4V1M4
                     Right.                      Left
Tone :- UL      hyper                    hyper 
             LL       hyper                   hyper 

Power :- UL  : moving all four limbs in                          LL :   response to pain 

P/A : soft , non tender  

A :- 
- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis 
- hyponatremia 
- AIS ( Tiny acute infarct in right temporal lobe ) 

P :
) IVF 0.9 %NS IV @ 50 ml / hr 
2) Inj , 1 amp Optineuron in 500 ml NS IV /OD 
3) tab Ecosprin AV 75/10 RT / OD / HS
4) GRBS monitoring 6 th hrly 
5) Inj .Thiamine 200 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
6) T.Baclofen 10 mg RT/TID

Lumbar puncture video performed on 29/12/2022 at 12 pm


On 30/12/2022
ICU Bed 6
Day 2 

No fever spikes 
Stools passed 
O : 
Patient is drowsy but arousable 
BP :120/80 mm hg 
PR :- 102 bpm
RR : 17 cpm 
Temp : 98 F 
Spo2 : 98 % at RA 
GRBS :- 275 mg/dl
I/O : 1500/900 ml 
CNS :- GCS : E3V4M6
CVS : S1 , S2 heard, no murmurs  
RS : BAE + , decreased air entry on left side ,   crepts +
P/A:- soft , non tender 

A :- 
- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis (? TB  ) 
- Left sided pneumonia ( ?TB ) 

P :
Patient was started on ATT 

1)  IVF 0.9 %NS IV @ 75 ml / hr 
2) Nebulization with duolin - 8th hrly , budecort - 12 th hrly
3) Inj , 1 amp Optineuron in 500 ml NS IV /OD 
4) Inj .Thiamine 200 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
5) Inj .Monocef 2 gm IV/BD 
7) Inj . Dexa 6 mg IV / TID 
9) ATT therapy PO/OD 
10) GRBS monitoring 6 th hrly
11) vitals monitoring 6 th hrly
12) Temp monitoring 4 th hrly
13) Inj H. Actrapid insulin SC TID acc to GRBS 


Bed 6
Day 3 

S :
Pt in altered sensorium
O : 
Patient is drowsy but arousable 
BP :120/80 mm hg 
PR :- 102 bpm
RR : 17 cpm 
Temp : 98 F 
Spo2 : 98 % at RA 
GRBS :- 246 mg/dl
I/O : 2100/1100 ml 
CNS :- GCS : E2V1M4
            Right.                      Left
Tone :- UL      hypo                   hypo
             LL       hypo                  hypo

Power :- UL  : moving all four limbs in                          LL :   response to pain 

CVS : S1 , S2 heard, no murmurs  
RS : BAE + , decreased air entry on left side ,   crepts +
P/A:- soft , non tender 

A :- 
- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis (? TB  ) 
- Left sided pneumonia ( ?TB ) 

P :

1)  IVF 0.9 %NS IV @ 75 ml / hr 
2) Nebulization with duolin - 8th hrly , budecort - 12 th hrly
3) Inj .Thiamine 200 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
4) Inj . Dexa 6 mg IV / TID 
5) ATT therapy PO/OD FDC:3 tab/ day
6) GRBS monitoring 6 th hrly
7) vitals monitoring 6 th hrly
8) Temp monitoring 4 th hrly
9) Inj H. Actrapid insulin SC TID acc to GRBS 
10)RT Feeds - 100 ml milk +3-4 scoops protein powder 4 th hrly , 50 ml H2O 2nd hrly 

1/1/2023 :- 

1) IVF 0.9 %NS IV @ 75 ml / hr 
2) Nebulization with duolin - 8th hrly , budecort - 12 th hrly
3) Inj .Thiamine 200 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
4) Inj . Dexa 6 mg IV / TID 
5) ATT therapy PO/OD FDC:3 tab/ day
6) GRBS monitoring 6 th hrly
7) vitals monitoring 6 th hrly
8) Temp monitoring 4 th hrly
9) Inj H. Actrapid insulin SC TID acc to GRBS 
10)RT Feeds - 100 ml milk +3-4 scoops protein powder 4 th hrly , 50 ml H2O 2nd hrly 

 2/1 /2023
Bed 6
Day 5  
Unit 3 

Dr.Nikitha (SR )
Dr.Vamshi Krishna ( PG 3 )
Dr. Nishitha ( PG 2 ) 
Dr.Govardhini Reddy ( PG 1 )
Dr. Meghana ( intern )
Dr. Tejarshini ( intern) 

Pt in altered sensorium  

O : 
Patient is stuporous 
BP :110/70 mm hg 
PR :- 107 bpm
RR : 17 cpm 
Temp : 98 F 
Spo2 : 98 % at RA 
GRBS :- 146 mg/dl
I/O : 2100/1100 ml 

CNS :- GCS : E4V1M1
                        Right. Left
Tone :- UL hypo hypo
             LL hypo hypo

Power :- UL   : not moving even with pain LL : 
 Reflexes:-not elicited 
Brain stem reflexes :-
B/L corneal + ,conjuctival + , pupillary + , 
Doll's eye : absent on left 
Gag :+ 
Plantar : left - , right - increased  

CVS : S1 , S2 heard, no murmurs  
RS : BAE + ,  crepts +
P/A:- soft , non tender 

A :- 

- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis (? TB  ) 

- Left sided pneumonia ( ?TB ) 

) IVF 0.9 %NS IV @ 75 ml / hr 
2) Nebulization with duolin - 8th hrly , budecort - 12 th hrly
3) Inj .Thiamine 200 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
4) Inj . Dexa 6 mg IV / TID 
5) ATT therapy PO/OD FDC:3 tab/ day
6) GRBS monitoring 6 th hrly
7) vitals monitoring 6 th hrly
8) Temp monitoring 4 th hrly
9) Inj H. Actrapid insulin SC TID acc to GRBS 
10)RT Feeds - 100 ml milk +3-4 scoops protein powder 4 th hrly , 50 ml H2O 2nd hrly 

Investigations :-


Bed 6
Day 6 

S : no fresh complaints
O:Patient is stuporous 
BP :110/70 mm hg 
PR :- 102 bpm
RR : 17 cpm 
Temp : 98 F 
Spo2 : 98 % at RA 
GRBS :- 146 mg/dl
I/O : 2100/1100 ml 

CNS :- GCS : E4V1M1
                        Right. Left
Tone :- UL hypo hypo
             LL hypo hypo

Power :- UL and LL   : not moving even with pain  
 Reflexes:-not elicited 
Brain stem reflexes :-
B/L corneal + ,conjuctival + , pupillary + , 
Doll's eye : absent on left 
Gag :+ 
Plantar : left  -  , right - increased  

CVS : S1 , S2 heard, no murmurs  
RS : BAE + , crepts +
P/A:- soft , non tender 

A :- 

- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis (? TB ) 
- Left sided pneumonia ( ?TB ) 
- prerenal AKI
- bilateral fixed flexion deformity since 2 yrs 

P :-

1) IVF 0.9 %NS IV @ 100 ml / hr 
2) Nebulization with duolin - 8th hrly , budecort - 12 th hrly
3) Inj .Thiamine 200 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
4) Inj . Dexa 6 mg IV / TID 
5) ATT therapy PO/OD FDC:3 tab/ day
6) GRBS monitoring 6 th hrly
7) vitals monitoring 6 th hrly
8) Temp monitoring 4 th hrly
9) Inj H. Actrapid insulin SC TID acc to GRBS 
10)RT Feeds - 100 ml milk +3-4 scoops protein powder 4 th hrly , 50 ml H2O 2nd
11 ) physiotherapy was done 

4/1/2023 :
Bed 6
Day 7 
S :
Stools not passed since 3 days
O :Pt is C/C/C
BP :100/70 mm of Hg 
PR : 120 bpm
RR :18 / min
Temp : 98 F
Spo2 : 98 % at RA 
GRBS : 167 mg / dl
I/O : 2600/1050 

CNS :- GCS : E4V1M1
                  Right. Left
Tone :- UL hypo hypo
             LL hypo hypo

Power :- UL  and LL : not moving even with pain 
 Reflexes B/L:  biceps , triceps , supinator , ankle , knee :-not elicited 
Brain stem reflexes :-
B/L corneal + ,conjuctival + , pupillary + , 
Doll's eye : absent on left 
Gag :+
Plantar b/L : mute   
CVS : S1 , S2 heard, no murmurs  
RS : BAE + , expiratory fine crepts + in right and left infraaxillary areas 
P/A:- soft , non tender 

A :- 

- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis (? TB ) 
- Left sided pneumonia ( ?TB ) 
- prerenal AKI
- bilateral fixed flexion deformity since 2 yrs 

P : 
1) IVF 0.9 % 2 units NS, 1 unit RL IV @ 100 ml / hr 
2) Nebulization with inpravent  - 8th hrly , budecort - 12 th hrly
3) Inj .Thiamine 200 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
4) Inj . Dexa 6 mg IV / TID 
5) ATT therapy PO/OD FDC:3 tab/ day
6) GRBS monitoring 6 th hrly
7) vitals monitoring 6 th hrly
8) Temp monitoring 4 th hrly
9) Inj H. Actrapid insulin SC TID acc to GRBS 
10)RT Feeds - 100 ml milk +3-4 scoops protein powder 4 th hrly , 50 ml H2O 2nd
11 )passive  physiotherapy 
12) syp .Lactulose 15 ml RT /BD 
13) inj .Lasix 40 mg IV/ stat

 5/1 /2023
Bed 6
Day  8

Stools passed in morning 

O : 
Patient is conscious , oriented to person , not oriented to place , time 

BP :110/70 mm hg 
PR :- 117 bpm
RR : 17 cpm 
Temp : 98 F 
Spo2 : 98 % at RA 
GRBS :- 188 mg/dl
I/O : 3150/1400 ml 

CNS :- GCS : E4V4M1

                     Right. Left                       
Tone :- UL hypo hypo              
             LL hyper hyper            

Power :- right left 
       UL. 0/5 2/5
        LL. 0/5. 0/5
Reflexes:- not elicited 
CVS : S1 , S2 heard, no murmurs  
RS : BAE + ,  crepts +
P/A:- soft , non tender 

A :- 

- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis (? TB  ) 
- Left> right sided pneumonia ( ?TB ) , old right upper lobe pulmonary Koch's 
- Prerenal AKI 
- B/L fixed flexion deformity since 2 yrs 

- IVF 2 units NS , 1 unit RL IV @ 100 ml / hr 
- Nebulization with duolin - 8th hrly , budecort - 12 th hrly
- Tab . Banadon 40mg PO/OD 
- syp lactulose 15 ml RT / BD 
- Inj .Thiamine 200 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
- Inj . Dexa 4 mg IV / TID 
- ATT therapy PO/OD FDC:3 tab/ day 
 - RT Feeds - 100 ml milk +3-4 scoops protein powder 4 th hrly , 50 ml H2O 2nd hrly 
- vitals monitoring 6 th hrly
- passive physiotherapy

 6/1 /2023

No fresh complaints 

O : 
Patient is conscious , oriented to person , not oriented to place , time 
BP :110/70 mm hg 
PR :- 78 bpm
RR : 17 cpm 
Temp : 98 F 
Spo2 : 98 % at RA 
GRBS :- 139 mg/dl
I/O : 2000/1450 ml 
CNS :- GCS : E4V4M6
                        Right.                      Left
Tone :- UL      Normal                normal
             LL       normal              normal 

Power :- right         left 
       UL.      0/5         4/5
        LL.      0/5.       0/5

Reflexes:- not elicited 
CVS : S1 , S2 heard, no murmurs  
RS : BAE + ,  NVBS +
P/A:- soft , non tender 

A :- 

- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis (? TB  ) 
- Left> right  sided  pneumonia ( ?TB ) , old right upper lobe pulmonary Koch's 
- Prerenal AKI 
- B/L fixed flexion deformity since 2 yrs 

-  IVF 2 units NS , 1 unit RL IV @ 100 ml / hr 
- Nebulization with duolin - 8th hrly , budecort - 12 th hrly
- Tab . Banadon 40mg PO/OD 
- syp lactulose 15 ml RT / BD 
- Inj .Thiamine 200 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
- Inj . Dexa 4 mg IV / TID 
- ATT therapy PO/OD FDC:3 tab/ day 
 - RT Feeds - 100 ml milk +3-4 scoops protein powder 4 th hrly , 50 ml H2O 2nd hrly 
- vitals monitoring 6 th hrly
- passive physiotherapy
- frequent position change


No fresh complaints 
No bed sores
No fever spikes
Passed 2 stools
c/o hiccups

O : 
Patient is conscious , oriented to person and  place 
BP :120/80 mm hg 
PR :- 115 bpm
RR : 20 cpm 
Temp : 97.0 F 
Spo2 : 98 % at RA 
GRBS :- 86 mg/dl
I/O : 2100/1350 ml 

CNS :- GCS : E4V5M6-15/15

                   Left      Right.                                
Tone :- UL   N         Hypo      
             LL    N         Hypo     

Power :-    Left      Right
       UL.      3/5         0/5
        LL.      2/5        0/5

Reflexes:- not elicited 
CVS : S1 , S2 heard, no murmurs  
RS : BAE + ,  NVBS +
P/A:- soft , non tender 

A :- 

- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis (? TB  ) 
- Left> right  sided  pneumonia ( ?TB ) , old right upper lobe pulmonary Koch's 
- Prerenal AKI (resolving)
- B/L fixed flexion deformity since 2 yrs 

-  IVF 2 units NS , 1 unit RL IV @ 100 ml / hr 
- Nebulization with ipravent - 8th hrly , budecort - 12 th hrly
- Tab . Banadon 40mg RT/OD 
- syp lactulose 15 ml RT / BD 
- Inj .Thiamine 100 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
- ATT therapy RT/OD FDL : 3 tabs/ day 
 - RT Feeds - 100 ml milk +3-4 scoops protein powder 4 th hrly , 50 ml H2O 2nd hrly 
- vitals monitoring 6 th hrly
- passive physiotherapy
- frequent position change

RFT and LFT :
chest XRay AP view 
Fever chart 

 8/1 /2023
Bed 6
Day  11
Unit 3 


No bed sores , no fever spikes , stools passed 

O : 
Patient is conscious , oriented to person , not oriented to place , time 
BP :110/70 mm hg 
PR :- 78 bpm
RR : 17 cpm 
Temp : 98 F 
Spo2 : 98 % at RA 
GRBS :- 82 mg/dl
I/O : 2500/1050 ml 

CNS :- GCS : E4V5M6
                        Right.                      Left
Tone :- UL      hypo               normal
             LL       hypo            normal 

Power :- right         left 
       UL.      0/5         3/5
        LL.      0/5.       2/5

Reflexes:- not elicited 
CVS : S1 , S2 heard, no murmurs  
RS : BAE + ,  NVBS +
P/A:- soft , non tender 

A :- 

- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis (? TB  ) 
- Left> right  sided  pneumonia ( ?TB ) , old right upper lobe pulmonary Koch's 
- Prerenal AKI 
- B/L fixed flexion deformity since 2 yrs 

-  IVF 2 units NS , 1 unit RL IV @ 100 ml / hr 
- Nebulization with duolin - 8th hrly , budecort - 12 th hrly
- Tab . Banadon 40mg PO/OD 
- syp lactulose 15 ml RT / BD 
- Inj .Thiamine 200 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
- Inj . Dexa 4 mg IV / TID 
- Tab .Talvopton 15 mg PO/OD
- ATT therapy PO/OD FDC:3 tab/ day 
 - RT Feeds - 100 ml milk +3-4 scoops protein powder 4 th hrly , 50 ml H2O 2nd hrly 
- vitals monitoring 6 th hrly
- passive physiotherapy
- frequent position change  

 9/1 /2023

No fresh complaints 
No bed sores
No fever spikes
Stools not passed
c/o hiccups

O : 
Patient is conscious , oriented to person and place 
BP :120/70 mm hg 
PR :- 100 bpm
RR : 20cpm 
Temp : 97.2 F 
Spo2 : 98 % at RA 
GRBS 84mg/dl
I/O : 2100/1350 ml 

CNS :- GCS : E4V5M6-15/15

                   Left Right.                                
Tone :- UL N Hypo      
             LL N Hypo     

Power :- Left Right
       UL. 3/5 0/5
        LL. 2/5 0/5

Reflexes:- not elicited 
CVS : S1 , S2 heard, no murmurs  
RS : BAE + ,  NVBS +
P/A:- soft , non tender 

A :- 

- Altered sensorium secondary to meningoencephalitis (? TB  ) 
- Left> right sided pneumonia ( ?TB ) , old right upper lobe pulmonary Koch's 
- Prerenal AKI (resolving)
- B/L fixed flexion deformity since 2 yrs 
- Hyponatremia ? SIADH

- IVF 2 units NS , 1 unit RL IV @ 100 ml / hr 
- Nebulization with ipravent - 8th hrly , budecort - 12 th hrly
- Tab . Banadon 40mg RT/OD 
- syp lactulose 15 ml RT / BD 
- Inj .Thiamine 100 mg IV/BD in 100 ml NS 
- ATT therapy RT/OD FDL : 3 tabs/ day 
     Tab Isoniazid 75mg
     Tab Rifampicin 150mg
     Tab pyrazinamide 400mg
     Tab ethambutol 275mg
 - RT Feeds - 100 ml milk +3-4 scoops protein powder 4 th hrly , 50 ml H2O 2nd hrly 
- Tab Tolvaptan 30mg PO/OD 
- vitals monitoring 6 th hrly
- passive physiotherapy
- frequent position change



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