
Showing posts from June, 2022

40/F with facial puffiness since 1 year

  A 40/F Came with complaints of  Abdominal Distension since 1 year  Facial puffiness since 1 year  Itching all over the body since 1 year and developed multiple plaques on abdomen and Lower limbs  Sob since    5 days pedal edema since 5 days pitting type H/O PRESENT ILLNESS Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 year back then she developed abdominal distension, facial puffiness,itching all over the body and 5 days ago she developed pedal edema and SOB PAST HISTORY  she developed knee pain 2 years ago and is under medication( demisone 0.5 mg and acelogic SR)  Not a K/C/O DM/HTN/ asthma / Ischemic heart disease  FAMILY HISTORY  NO SIGNIFICANT FAMILY HISTORY PERSONAL HISTORY: OCCUPATION Daily wage worker DIET MIXED APPETITE decreased  SLEEP NORMAL BOWEL AND BLADDER HABITS : decreased urine output  ADDICTIONS: NO GENERAL EXAMINATION  Patient is concious coherent and coperative VITALS  BP 110/80 PR 90bpm TEMP 98.5degrees F SPO2 98 @ RA GRBS 106 NO PALLOR, ICTERUS , CYANOSIS, CLUBBING , LYM

56/M with fever and Sob since 4 days

  A 56/M Came with complaints of  Fever since 4 days Sob since 4 days pain abdomen since 4 days burning micturition since 4 days H/O PRESENT ILLNESS Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 year ago and then he had cough & SOB for which he got tested and diagnosed with TB used ATT for 3 months and stopped From then he was asymptomatic until 10 days back when he developed cough & generalized weakness for which he used some medication (unknown) from a local practitioner And since 4 days he developed fever , SOB , pain abdomen and burning micturition. No history of pedal edema/decreased urine output No h/o vomiting/loose stools No other complaints  PAST HISTORY  De Novo detected Diabetes Mellitus ( 4 days ago) H/o pulmonary tuberculosis 1 year ago ( used medication for 3 months and discontinued) Not a K/C/O HTN/ asthma / Ischemic heart disease  FAMILY HISTORY : NO SIGNIFICANT FAMILY HISTORY PERSONAL HISTORY: OCCUPATION FARMER DIET MIXED APPETITE NORMAL SLEEP NORMAL BOWEL AND BLADDER