
Showing posts from September, 2023


 73 year old male came from nereducherla to opthalmology OPD with  CHIEF COMPLAINTS of diminished vision in left eye since 2 years  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 years ago then he developed diminision of vision in left eye which was insidious in onset gradually progressive . No history of watering , redness, pain. PAST HISTORY  NO HISTORY OF SIMILAR COMPLAINTS IN THE PAST HISTORY OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS 30 YEARS AGO -  he presented with fever - low grade not associated with chills and rigors , evening rise of temperature is present relieved on taking medication. He had cough with sputum (hemoptysis ) 30 years ago and shortness of breath grade 3-4 and was admitted in hospital and was started on ATT.he was in the hospital for 1 month later he got discharged and continued att for 1 more month. Stopped taking att after 2 months as he felt that it is making him qeak and his illness has already subsided. Not a known case of diabetes, HTN , broncial asthm

55M ? PTB

 A 55 Year old male came with chief complaints of cough since 1 month  fever since 1 month Generalised weakness since 1 week HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months ago then he developed dry cough which is insidious in onset more during the night, fever which is low grade not associated with chills and rigors no aggravating and relieving factors evening raise of temperature present.Generalised weakness since 1 week insidious in onset gradually progressive.Weight loss of 10-15 kgs in a span of 2 months Loss of appetite since 2 months  PAST HISTORY  Used ATT for 2 months  He had similar complaints 2 months ago and went to local hospital and x ray was taken ( patient was informed x ray suggestive of tb and ATT initiated and his symptoms improved after taking att for 5 days ) No sputum sample was examined months ago. Not a known case of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma , cva, coronary artery disease. PERSONAL HISTORY  Takes mixed diet  Occu

53/M PTB

 A 52 year old male came to Pulmonology OPD with chief complaints of shortness of breath since 4 days  Cough since 4 days  Right sided chest pain since 4 days  Fever since days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS  Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back then he developed shortness of breath since which was grade 1 to 2 later progressed to grade 3 since 4 days which relieved on taking rest.he is also complaining of cough with sputum since 1 month mucoid non foul smelling,non blood stained aggravated since 4 days now he is having dry cough no aggravating and relieving factors.complaining of right sided chest pain since 1 month dull aching type non radiating pain which aggravated since 4 days chest pain is not associated with sweating, palpitations.complaining of fever since 3 days low grade not associated with chills and rigors evening rise of temperature present .Loss of appetite present since 1 month no loss of weight. PAST HISTORY: History of pulmonary tuberculosis present (sputum cbn

52/F PTB

52 years old lady came to OPD with chief complaints of fever and cough since 4 months (i.e.,Jan 2023 last week onwards) generalised weakness since 15 days. HOPI: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 months back then she developed fever which is low grade not associated with chills and rigors, relieved with medication, no diurnal variation. Cough since 4month, non productive cough, diurnal variation present i.e., more during night. And also more in supine position and after eating food,no seasonal variation. So for this they went to local hospital ,there they asked to take chest xray on 14/2/2023. they advised for CT scan due to there is a cavity in right upper lobe. CT scan done on15/2/2023. After the scan they adviced for sputum AFB test. The sputum AFB  is done in the March and it is negative . So they gave cough relievers, but her cough is relieving only when she is taking medication but not subsided they came to our OPD. H/o weight loss since 2 months. No H/o SOB,whe